Constable Biography

John A. Szymanski is a 13 year law enforcement veteran
and he currently holds a Master Peace Officer Certificate.
John graduated from East Bernard High School and then
attended Wharton County Junior College. Initially in 1984,
he joined the East Bernard Emergency Medical Services
and with that, he began his career in the public safety
field. In 1986, he became a member of the East Bernard
Volunteer Fire Department and within 2 years, he was elected
to the position of captain. In 1987, he attended the paramedic
training program at College of the Mainland in Texas City,
Texas. While attending College of the Mainland, he worked
part-time for the City of Wharton Emergency Medical Service
as a Emergency Medical Technician. After successful completion,
he was hired full-time as a paramedic with the City of
Wharton EMS where he worked for 7 years. While working
as a paramedic, he attended the Wharton County Junior
College Police Academy in 1990. After successful completion,
he started his career in law enforcement as a reserve
police officer with Wharton Police Department.
In January 1992, John entered into the race for Constable.
It was a three way race and he won outright with 54%
of the vote. On April 06, 1992, he was appointed and
sworn in to the vacant position of Constable in Wharton
County Precinct #2. In 1993 he was again sworn in and
he began his first official term as Constable of Precinct
#2. The position of Constable was part-time, so from
1993-1996 he continued working as a paramedic with
the City of Wharton and part-time as Constable. In
1997, he swapped roles. He was elevated to full-time
as Constable and he resigned as paramedic in February
of 1997, but continues to work part-time as a paramedic
with local EMS providers.
From 1997 to present, John has worked as full-time
Constable and currently oversees six Deputy Constable’s
and the community service supervisor. It has been both
exciting and challenging to be able to oversee and
implement the many programs that the constable’s
office has seen over the past 12 years. He holds strong
beliefs that training for deputies as well as hisself
is essential to provide the best quality of service
to the citizens of Precinct #2 and Wharton County.
During his career, he has obtained over 4500 hours
of training in various aspects of law enforcement,
emergency medicine and the fire service, which combined
with 20 total years in public safety, gives him the
knowledge and ability to handle all aspects of the
position of Constable. John currently is a instructor
with the Wharton County Junior College Police Academy
and a past instructor with the Emergency Medical Service
currently possesses a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement
- Master Peace Officer License. In addition he is a Licensed
Paramedic, Arson Investigator, Texas Breath Test Operator,
Standardized Field Sobreity Test – Practiceioner,
Field Training Officer, Swift Water Rescue Technician,
Scuba Diver, Certified Basic Volunteer Firefighter.
is a member of the Justice of the Peace and Constable’s
Association of Texas, Texas Municipal Police Association,
National Narcotic Detector Dog Association, Holy Cross
Catholic Church, Knights of Columbus Council #2500, East
Bernard Athletic Booster Club Life Member, East Bernard
Chamber of Commerce, East Bernard Volunteer Fire Department,
East Bernard Emergency Medical Services, and Wharton Emergency
Medical Services.